Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

SQP begins with "S for SAFETY". Our Management strongly believes that Occupational Safety and Health of our employees, customers and all associated stakeholders working at all project sites is of First Priority and utmost importance. The management will ensure that significant risks are assessed and suitable and sufficient measures are adopted to allow each employee or subcontractor to carry out his/her duties safely and without risk to health. Personal Protective Equipment's (PPEs) will be provided and maintained in a safe condition and safe systems of work will be devised.

Under Safety and Health Objectives, SQP will:

  • Complying all the requirements of relevant legislations, codes of Practice, Regulatory Controls and other provisions.
  • Communicate our policies to our staff and stakeholders so that everyone knows and understands their responsibilities and is well trained, competent and held accountable.
  • Investigate and learn from all accidents and near misses, sharing best practice and efficiency improvements between divisions.
  • Monitor performance and report progress, aiming for continual improvement and preventing injury and ill health.
  • The Company will seek external advice as necessary to keep its health & safety policy, working practices and equipment up to date and in accordance with current legislation.

Preventing accidents shall be a primary consideration in all phases of our operations and administration. This Company will establish and insist upon safe work practices by all employees at all times and at all our project sites.

Vinod Kumar Vahinipati